In 72 hours, the New Year will be ushered in. There is the need to dump some habits, embrace new ones and remain happy
Forgive and forget the past
Letting go of any hurt, anger and guilt that you might have piled up during the course of the year, is one of the ways to be happy. Forgive all who might have erred you in one way or the other including yourself.
Embrace peace
Strive to live a peaceful life irrespective of the trials and challenges you might have faced. Stand out as a peacemaker and never compromise on that.
Drop bad habits
Yes, they say old habits die hard, but truth is, yours can be an exception. Quit bad habits. Eat healthy, go easy on junk food and take a lot of fruits, which will do your body a lot of good.
Discover potential
Everyone, including you, is blessed with one talent or the other. Discover and hone yours. If you are keen on cooking, enroll in a culinary class.
Try a new look
Break the monotony and try a new hairstyle. Adopt a new signature style if you so wish and do not be afraid to try out stylish new looks. Junk that outworn outfit; get a wardrobe overhaul if you can afford it.
Make meaningful friendships
Socialise wisely; go out make new friends who will make you a better person. For singles, mingle wisely and make the new-year a memorable one for yourself, who knows, Mr. and Miss Right may just be lurking by the corner itching to meet you.
Improve yourself
Develop a reading culture that will improve your intellect. It also exposes your mind to a lot of unknown truths. If you are quite tech savvy, invest in a good e-reader where you can upload and read all your favourite materials with ease.
Be more spiritual
Now is the time to draw closer to your creator, irrespective of your faith. Take time to develop a healthy relationship with God.
Dump awful affairs
Don’t waste your precious time, energy and resources on someone who would not reciprocate same gestures to you. Dump such awful affairs including that boyfriend or girlfriend who has refused to take your relationship to the next level. However, if you have been dating a man for more than two years and he hasn’t spoken about his plans for the future, this is the time to dump him and give yourself some self worth.
Dump bad friends
Now is the time to dump bad friends like a piece of rubbish. These set of friends include the pessimists, who see the bad side of everything; the gate keepers, who you think about first when you want to share your ideas. However, they use their position just for evil. Others include non-believers, who don’t believe in your ability and never wish any form of advancement for you.
Settle scores
People are bound to offend and step on your toes in one way or the other. Try as much as possible not to be tempted to retaliate their actions or even fight back. Seek peace and embrace it as much as possible. Learn to apologise when you are wrong and accept apologies as well.
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