Saturday 25 October 2014

 These are photos of desperate migrants who are in the process of scrambling over Melilla, a town along the border between Morocco and Spain, and one of the key crossing routes for African migrants trying to get into the 'promised land' of Europe every month, and will regularly rush the high wire fences in order to climb over.

Two days ago, Spain says 20 men managed to make it into the country after around 200 people began scaling the fences.
Nine were injured, while another 70 spent hours trapped on top of the wire barriers, shouting slogans and asking for help to get into the country.

Spain's Interior Ministry said 2,000 migrants have made it across the border fences in roughly 60 attempts this year alone.
The flow of migrants scrambling to reach Spain's north African territory Melilla is at double the rate of last year, an official said this week.more photos below.....

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